Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Democrats - Set Things Right

Congratulations President Elect Barack Obama!

Respect for John McCain - True American.

This is a momentous occasion in our country's history. We'll all talk of this to our grandchildren. Obama has been charismatic and when Colin Powell endorsed him - he was a shoe in.

John McCain, always respected as a war hero and senator was campaigning under the shadow of eight years of George W. Governor Sarah Palin is a great speaker yet not seasoned enough in foreign affairs especially - for these dangerous times. To anyone who has not listened to McCain's concession speech, it is a masterpiece of the exhibition of human decency, sincerity and patriotism.

Barack Obama will make errors, he isn't the new messiah, but with good advisors and the common sense he seems to exude I expect him to steer America on a new and safer path towards betterment of the people with the assistance of the people. If this does not propel acceptance and new friendships or at least congeniality between the races - that an African American has been voted in by ALL races - including those middle-aged white ladies who sometimes clutched their purses in response to seeing a black man walking towards them - then nothing will.

Maybe the next generation of people will be assigned a category of American of African descent or an American of German descent. Perhaps people will begin to realize that in spite of the terrorists of the world - not all Muslims have the mindset of terrorists. President Elect Obama leads the parade towards cohesion of all races and groups of Americans. One flag, one people to present a united face to the rest of the world. After all, he's about to become the leader of the free world.

God bless him and keep him safe...

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