Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Humble Copywriter

Today is good!

You know how it is when you've wrapped up an article and know it's dynamite. I just had one of those experiences. Mercenary meets artist in my writing efforts. Sure I must like the topic. If I am enthralled with it, even better.

But weighing the differences. Bad topic - high pay versus favored topic - low pay, would cause me to decide with caution. I could still use one more sporadic higher paying client. I do have one I'm keeping and she wants to keep me also. However, I only touched on the subject of needing more money and she'll be a tough nut to crack on that.

Very clever at delay tactics as the escrowed amount is near. Never has been unfair or neglected to pay me. Really didn't want to do all 2,500 descriptions but it might pay off in the future.

Another writer will understand how good it feels to have solidly completed an article or project that you know is deserving of high praise and more money.

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