Friday, February 13, 2009

sample for an_____

Each client, regardless of how badly a lack of coping strategies has affected his current situation, will possess some attributes upon which you and he together can put into action a plan to improve upon and rebuild his life. Currently the client will be at a place in life that he wishes to elevate himself from. Without some hope he would not be here in your office asking for help. Whatever that impetus for seeking help was, identifying it will provide insight into how you can best interject his own resources into a plan for improvement.

It is true that some individuals have limited resources for coping with a life imbued with problems. It is your job as therapist to discover what they are. This will enable you to bring forth a sense of empowerment within the client. At the time he recognises positive qualities within himself, you have interjected his problematic life situation with the one thing he most needs. That one thing - is hope. You must discover attributes within your client that you can admire and thus help the client to discovery of the fact that he has admirable qualities. Then together you can build on those qualities until the client begins to utilise them to his own benefit.

NOTE: It is my intention to use "his" in a non-gender identifying manner simply to avoid extraneous words. I in no way elevate "he" over "she."

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