Friday, December 12, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008


I know there are those who have looked up. Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank have spoken brilliantly while ignoring the fact that they should have spoken brilliantly some time ago. Brilliant ideas are their jobs. But timely brilliance was not mentioned I guess.


"Mommy Mommy I gobbled up all my Halloween candy and now my orange pumpkin is empty."

"I know the solution I know the solution. You will help me out and buy me some MORE candy. Don't let me be the only kid in the family whose candy is bankrupt. I won't eat it all again like I just did. Help help if I have no candy, Halloween may not work out next year."

Mommy goes around the block explaining to her friends and neighbors that her son ate all his candy and his pumpkin is empty. "Give him some more please. Common sense tells us he'll do much better next time around."

The politicians can justify bailing out the auto industry and I see the necessity. BUT - big but (no pun intended - the situation is too scary for jokes.) we are allowing the same people who emptied out their own pumpins and then (after taking out their huge innappropriate bonuses) came begging since they knew they had the government's back against the wall. DUH! No one has accused me of being a genius lately but may I ask "does Warren Buffet REWARD his underlings when they fail?"

"Eat your candy dudes."

(Remember they deserve another private jet jaunt to Jamaica for a meeting that could take place on the Internet for all the sense it makes). Hold out your hand the taxpayers are willing. A big DUH aren't these political saviors who are now reorganizing and all - the same ones who've been our leaders for the last 8 years. The bus was bearing down on them all that time and they just now have looked up? I don't think I feel very safe. Sweden - take me please.

Does no one see that we are putting the ship back in the hands of the very same captain who sank it the first time around?

Note from author: The stupid cliche' analogies at least make some sense compared to the entire situation our country is in. Restructure hell, how about replace.

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